Eva Figes, a refugee from Nazi Germany who became an acclaimed writer and critic best known memoirs by treaty influential feminist "patriarchal attitudes," published in 1970, died August 28 at home in London.
The cause was heart failure, his son said Orlando.
Ms. FIGE (pronounced Jez-FIE) was 38 years old, divorced and raising two children, she felt compelled to write when an accusation blisters on the feet of women in society and what they saw as the inequality of marriage.
He was a novelist, at this point, but the experience of discrimination in the workplace and in other children (he was forced, for example, to get her husband to guarantee the lease home, but not pay for food), inspired by his anger.
"The much vaunted male logic is not logical, because the bias - against half the human race - are considered prejudices according to a dictionary definition," wrote Ms. FIGE.
His book was published two months of controversial feminist Germaine Greer "female eunuch" (1970) and "Sexual Politics" in the Kate Millett (1969), and together feminist ideas injected into the national debate. Newspapers and television FIGE lady tried for his point of view.
But Mrs. FIGE was too immature to be independent and any movement for a long time. It could also be dismissive of their brothers in arms. "I've never read 'The woman eunuch,'" he told the British newspaper The Guardian in 1993. "It was all out of my book and said:" Do not worry ", so I did. Germaine is crazy and I think a lot of what he says is romantic hot air."
Instead, he returned to writing novels. He has written more than a dozen and became less closely associated with a movement led by British experimental BS Johnson. "Kafka and Virginia Woolf were major influences looked back," Orlando FIGE, historian and writer, he said.
Much of the narrative FIGE lady was concerned with the passage of time. "Awakening" (1981) tells the story of a woman through her waking sleep in seven days for life. "Light" (1983) is a day in the life of Monet.
It also incorporates passages often teaching about oppression of women that critics did not like, and he praised books. "It's the insistence of Mrs. FIGE to hammer home a message that undermines a work the other ambitious, innovative and incredibly poetic," Angeline Goreau wrote in a review in The New York Times "The Seven Ages "(1987), a novel in which seven elements fit into the solitary life of a midwife.
In the last decade, Ms. FIGE focused on writing his memoirs, seems determined to come to terms with his childhood trauma.
Eva Unger was born in Berlin April 13, 1932, Peter Unger and Irma. He recalled his childhood as the golden age, protected at first by the growing Nazi threat of a wealthy Jewish family. He remembered learning to cook and sew after school to Grandma. This Eden is shattered when his father, a wholesale hinge, was arrested along with thousands of people during the violence of Kristallnacht in 1938 and sent to the concentration camp at Dachau.
Peter Unger escaped Dachau, and the family fled to England in 1939, but seven years, Eva did not want to safety. E 'was teased at school. Their grandparents and the servant of the family stayed behind and realized that his destiny only when her mother sent her to the movies alone at the end of the war saw the news of the concentration camps. Never recovered from the shock of the moment alone in the dark, he said.
Ms. FIGE sense of herself as an outsider while faded dominated English and began to excel as a writer. He has a degree in English at Queen Mary College, London, in 1953. Two years later - to move away from their parents, she said - she married John FIGE, who ran an employment agency recruiting. The marriage ended seven years later.
He returned to the war - or, rather, has returned to her - when she became a grandmother and she was thinking about those years in Germany and the pain of being uprooted, a theme taken up in "Tales of Innocence and Experience reports: Exploring "In a time of revision in 2003, Barbara Ehrenreich described the book as" a story of the Holocaust in relation to this, the poetic delicacy that no summary can do justice "..
Although Ms. FIGE had many relationships after divorce, with one writer Günter Grass, the work is based in England and went to live with his family after one of his own marriage dissolved, for the most lived sun.
In addition to his son, who survived a daughter, Kate, a brother, Ernesto, and four grandchildren.
"My mother was an isolated and intellectually," said Orlando FIGE. "I was put in writing, which was pretty limiting. Lived alone, so everything I wrote came from within. Last year, while he was thinking of death was, as material for writing. "
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