Dara Singh, a famous professional wrestler who has used his fame, and without fear of physical image of a thriving film career in Bollywood as an action hero before in India, died Thursday at his home in Mumbai. He was 83 years.
The cause was a heart attack, said his doctor, RK Agarwal.
His death sparked a wave of national mourning. Miles below the body in a procession to the cremation on Thursday afternoon.
Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, called Dara Singh, a "self-taught son of the earth" that was "an inspiration and an icon for many generations in our country." In a Twitter message, the Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan has asked Mr Singh "our very own Superman."
Mr. Singh, a household name in India, has led to a reputation for winning a seat in the upper house of Indian Parliament, Rajya Sabha's, 2003-2009, serving as a member of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party.
Many of the comparison with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor bodybuilder turned actor turned in California.
Even if you've never seen an actor more than average, Mr. Singh, however, ordered a mass following in the Hindi film Black and White was a hero, while the defense that is right and good with undulating muscles, was also every inch the gentleman. He has sworn to have no temper.
Dara Singh Randhawa was born into a Sikh family of farmers from 19 November 1928 in a village in northern Punjab province, near the border with Pakistan.
Muscle as a child, she decided to pursue wrestling in the traditional Indian style and did a spectacular success, winning tournaments all over India and gaining a reputation for opponents of flats with ridiculous ease .
In 1950 and '60, the British historian Charles Mascall struggle Singh ranked as the tenth best heavyweight boxer of all time.
E 'became Commonwealth champion in 1959 and 1968, world champion when he defeated American wrestler Lou Thesz.
Mr. Singh was at the height of his talent and his fame fighter when he began working in film in 1950.
His body mass and noble image has become ideal for people who personificarà to force men and pride and heroism of the virtues.
Among his successful film in Hindi was "King Kong", "Samson" and "Tarzan arrives in New Delhi." The famous actress of Bollywood Mumtaz appeared in 16 films with him.
Mr. Singh, who has appeared in nearly 150 films, later went on to character roles. E 'was also involved in the Punjabi film actor, director and producer.
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