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Liberal Party Power Broker Raymond Harding Dies at 77

Written By Unknown on Friday, 10 August 2012 | 02:02

Raymond B. Harding, former leader of the Liberal Party of New York, which has advanced the careers of mayors and governors, but fell into disfavor in the corruption scandal that toppled the state comptroller, Alan G. Hevesi, died Thursday in the Bronx.

The cause was cancer, said his son Robert.

Mr. Smith came to the Balkans, as a child, a Jewish refugee during the war, the father was beaten by the Nazis. His family survived the camps and a dangerous journey across the Atlantic with a gauntlet of attack submarines.

As a teenager, he got his new American name of a favorite radio program, "said David Smith, CounterSpy." He is a lawyer and became a protégé of Alex Rose, the legendary founder of the Liberal Party.

And from his rise to power in 1977 to his political death, when the Liberals lost their ballot line in 2002, Mr. Smith was one of the corridors of power entrepreneurs of the state, with his party small, but influential in helping to elect Mario M. Cuomo as governor, Rudolph W. Giuliani as mayor, Mr. Hevesi as the city and the state controller, and many other public officials.

Instead, Mr. Smith, a brave, smoking a cigarette behind the scenes tactics approval remained alive long after his party critics called irrelevant, has gained power and patronage. Taking advantage of his influence in City Hall and in Albany, said a high profile, government jobs to his allies, including his two sons, and builds extraordinary profits for themselves.

In 2009, however, pleaded guilty to charges of receiving $ 800,000 for favors to Mr. Hevesi - a fictitious agent for members of the driver to get lucrative contracts to manage $ 141 billion state pension fund and intrigues for a seat in the Assembly of State for the son of Mr. Hevesi.

Mr. Smith has worked with the state investigation that led to the arrest of Mr. Hevesi and others. The criminal charges against Mr. Smith fell, and his own conviction in 2011 in a unique crime number was saved from prison and allowed to remain with the money he had taken. But it was a stunning humiliation for one of the last political leader of New York days old.

Like his predecessor, Mr. Rose, Mr. Smith helped the Republicans and Democrats elected, taking advantage of the small liberal party members - only 1 percent of the electoral lists - something more important: a second place to vote for candidates who thus acquired an undeserved approval times as progressives. It also gave voters a disgruntled liberal Democrat and Republican, to appease their consciences.

Since New York is one of the few states that allow a candidate the votes are added as a candidate, the parties have little influence beyond all measure, because supporting candidates or get support.

In turn, are guaranteed a line to the next statewide ballot, if they receive at least 50,000 votes. Playing both ends against the middle, Mr. Smith might be a maker of kings and the orchestration of the survival of his party.

For students of politics, watching the maneuver Harding was a rite of the season in New York elections. He took the crown of tin capo political flavor: an overweight chin, with heavy eyelids, fingers stained yellow from unfiltered Camel, a booming voice, the eyes with sunglasses that many are intimidating. He was suddenly, and often spoke as if the writing aloud titles Tabloids - "LP" for the game, "libs" for the faithful.

Harding was a collaborator of L. Governor Hugh Carey 1975-1977. He became the leader of the Liberal Party after the 1976 death of Mr. Rose, who founded the party in 1944 with a program to keep Republicans and liberal Democrats honest.

The party helped the election of Democrat Robert F. Wagner and Republican John V. Lindsay, as mayors, Republican Jacob K. Javits as senator, Democrat Edward I. Koch as a young congressman, and Mr. Carey and Mr. Cuomo, both Democrats, as governors.

Mr. Smith has never been elected to any office and has had little use for ideology. An old joke was that the Liberal Party was neither liberal nor a party. He carried out without primary or convention and its candidates had a few.

Harding has decided that the Democrats or Republicans, to support in order to earn your patronage and rewards. His title was also a fiction: the vice president with absolute power, the president of being a figurehead.

His smartest decision that was said to have been his first embrace of Mr. Giuliani, a Republican, Democrat, David N. Dinkins for mayor in 1989. Mr. Dinkins won that election, but after Mayor Giuliani won in 1993.

Mr. Smith took advantage of a pressure group and employment guarantees for their children, Robert, as director of budget and the deputy mayor, and Russell, as Head of Housing and Development Corporation, although he was a deserter from the university with no experience in housing. But in 2005, Russell Smith was sentenced to five years in prison for embezzling $ 400,000 from the agency.

Asked about criticism from Democrats for backing Giuliani, Mr. Smith said: "Political parties serve a purpose The purpose of the Liberal Party at that time was to save and restore this great city, and has done so. Ask the leadership of Giuliani. "

The leader of the Liberal Party, was born Helen Marie Branko Hochwald Hochwald and January 31, 1935, in Herzegovina. While World War II he moved through the Balkans, the father was attacked by the Nazis and the family fled to Italy in 1941, taking refuge in a refugee camp in Calabria.

Jewish immigration in times of war the U.S. has been virtually banned in 1944 but were among the 1,000 Jewish refugees Hochwald granted safe haven by President Franklin D. Roosevelt - the only large group of Jews admitted during the war - as told in the book "Haven", a press photographer Ruth Gruber.

Raymond graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School in 1953 and City College in 1957 with a degree in political science. After his military service as an infantry officer, he earned a degree in law at the University of New York in 1961.

Besides his sons, Mr. Smith is survived by his wife of 55 years, the former Elisabeth Einhorn, and two grandchildren.

He practiced law for five years between 1966 and 1969 was the city attorney, research inspectors damaged buildings. In 1975, he joined the staff of Governor Carey as disaster coordinator, military adviser and legislative liaison.
02:02 | 0 comments

Prodigy Ruggiero Ricci Dies at 94

Ruggiero Ricci, a violin virtuoso who first shocked audiences at the age of 10 years with his mastery of Mendelssohn and was later transformed into a mature musician, the scope has reached the 19 Caprices of acrobatics century Paganini premieres of contemporary works, died Sunday at home in Palm Springs, California

His death was confirmed by his son, Gian-Franco.

Mr. Ricci has grown up in San Francisco, the son of an Italian immigrant and amateur trombonist, who insisted that their seven children to learn to play instruments. Mr. Ricci prefers the piano, but her parents had other plans.

"I was bribed with violins," he told The New York Times in 1976. "I woke in the morning and there would be another. I once had five violins under my bed."

At 6, Ruggiero went to classes with Louis Persinger, who also taught another district prodigy, Yehudi Menuhin.

"If not for Menuhin, I would not be here," said Ricci. "It's four years older than me, and everyone should think about miracles. But believe me, when you're a miracle, a parent is ambitious in the background."

She made her debut in San Francisco in 1928, playing the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, and very soon on tour in New York and Europe. The critics were enthusiastic when Mendelssohn played in Manhattan in 1929.

"More of a young gentleman, who has played with speed and accuracy through these steps, and have been inflated by the press and soon disappeared forever," wrote Olin Downes in The Times. "But there are valid reasons to believe that heard the previous night and had the talent to mature in terms of physical force and poetic expression, taste, feeling and an admirable sense of proportion are the distinctive qualities the performance of last night. "

The article described Ruggiero 9 years. It was actually 11, but its promoters was shaving two years old to make it look even more precocious. It was not the only way that his identity had been manipulated.

His parents originally named Woodrow Wilson Rico, but then gave his name sounds Italian, because it seemed a better choice for a musical prodigy. During his lifetime he was called Roger.

"Until the year 1950 or 1960, his passport, he said 'Rich Wilson, also known as Ruggiero Ricci,'" said Gian-Franco Ricci.

In 1930, after Roger had moved to New York with Mr. Persinger and began to gain substantial salary for the operation, has become the center of a custody dispute highly advertising. Years before, his father, Peter Ricci, had custody of Roger and his brother George to an assistant of Mr. Persinger, Beth Lackey.

(George, called the birth of George Washington, he continued his studies to become a cellist.) At some point the boys ran away from Mrs. Lackey, Peter Ricci and later successfully fought to regain custody of Children. But his son did not trust his motives, and often said his father was trying to exploit.

As Ruggiero later in his teens, some critics have suggested that their technical skills was exceeding its capacity to interpret. However, it was precisely at this time that Mr. Ricci began to dominate the music that would later help him revive his career: the 24 Caprices of Paganini's works for solo violin and fire of daunting.

He played the pieces frequently during World War II, alone on stage in front of the soldiers, while he served as an "entertainment specialist" in the Army Air Force. After the war he became the first to register works only in 1947.

"I am forced in this direction, because no one had taken this path," said the Times. "I had to make a comeback."

He turned and almost always taught in the next five years, working at Indiana University, Juilliard and elsewhere, and performing a wide repertoire that included Paganini, as well as works by Bach and other composers .

In 1963, he performed the premiere of Alberto Ginastera Concerto for Violin and Orchestra with Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic, which commissioned the work for the opening of Lincoln Center this year. He made over 500 recordings. His last public performance was at the Smithsonian Institution in 2003.

Mr. Ricci was born on July 24, 1918, in San Francisco. His father had emigrated to Italy and worked as a miner in Colorado. His mother was born in the United States.

Mr. Ricci first two marriages ended in divorce.

In addition to Gian-Franco, the son of his second marriage, survivors include his wife, Julia, a sister, Emma Ricci, a first violinist of the Metropolitan Opera, two sons from his first marriage, Riana Muller and Roger, a His second daughter married, Paul Hopp, and several grandchildren.
02:00 | 0 comments

Multifaceted Businessman Ben Heineman Dies at 98

Ben W. Heineman, a leading lawyer and businessman who took over the railways, has created one of the nation's first conglomerates and became a close confidant and adviser to President Lyndon B. Johnson, died Sunday at Waukesha, Wisconsin

The cause was a stroke, his son, Ben Jr. said.

Joseph A. Califano Jr., who was deputy chief of the National Johnson said in an interview Thursday that the president had asked him repeatedly to call for advice to Mr. Heineman.

President said that the value of business acumen of Mr. Heineman, honesty and understanding the laws and social programs that the government expected Johnson to play in areas such as civil rights, health, education, control of 'pollution and consumer protection.

"More than anyone, understood what we were trying to do," said Califano. "It was a selfless. I had a personal agenda. He said, as if it were, is very difficult, and most importantly you can do to a president or one of his colleagues, like me, because people are generally fawning over you. "

While working in law or business, Mr. Heineman often had jobs in different governments in Illinois, almost all without pay, serving governor Adlai E. Stevenson and Mayor Richard J. Daley, of Chicago. Johnson was offered a number of places - Ambassador to the UN or the head of the Department of Commerce, Office of Management and Budget or the Department of Health, Education and Welfare - he refused. He, however, serve as chairman of the White House Conference on Civil Rights.

Mr. Heineman and his family lived in an integrated neighborhood in Chicago, and has found that people who left because blacks moved to be "objectionable".

In addition to his government service, Mr. Heineman, who once described himself as "a professional problem solver", has had two successful careers: 20 years of law in Chicago, and 30 years. He turned around the business in 1954, when he led a group of shareholders in a power struggle for control of Minneapolis and St. Louis Railway, which was known in some circles as the "poverty and still limping. "

In a letter to shareholders, the group of newcomers to Mr. Heineman has accused managers of the railroad to run a "gold mine" for themselves and called "the final lax, the extravagance and inefficiency."

The rebels won, and Mr. Heineman has become CEO of the railroad.

In 1956, he took up driving a much larger system, the Chicago and North Western Railway, which was known errors and mismanagement. They buy new equipment, the trains running on time and fought the unions, insisting that the work to eliminate obsolete. In 1964, the railroad $ 5.5 million became a deficit of $ 23,200,000 profit.

Mr. Heineman began to acquire other businesses - steel, clothing, chemicals - to form the Northwest Industries, one of the country's largest conglomerates. In 1972, under his leadership, the company sold the railroad to its employees, producing 200 million dollar tax benefit to the northwest of the country, that Mr. Heineman then used to acquire other companies. He retired from the company in 1985.

"He refused to take stock options," said Califano. "I thought that that a company must pay your money and invest in the company. This country today would be much better if we had a dozen business leaders from the middle, such as Ben Heineman. There was a bit of greed in him. "

Benjamin Heineman was born February 10, 1914, in Wausau, Wis. He attended public schools and earned his pilot's license at age 14. I was hoping to go to Yale, but in 1930, when Mr. Heineman was 16 years old, his father was ruined and committed suicide.

It was at the University of Michigan from 1930 until 1933 and then persuaded the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Northwestern University that lets you record a year in advance. He graduated in 1936 at 22 years, editor of the Law and the top of his class. He has worked in law firms in Chicago and began his, and Swiren Heineman.

In 1952, Mr. Heineman has worked on the presidential campaign as a writer of speeches for Mr. Stevenson, in collaboration with Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., in a speech denouncing the tactics of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, who led the hunt for communists in the federal government.

"He was president of the Illinois Board of Higher Education 1962-1969, and 1966, when racial conflict at its worst, Mayor Daley appointed him president of the Summit Conference in Chicago for the Civil Rights Fair Housing.

Mr. Heineman served on many boards in the arts, education and charity. In 2006, he and his wife, Natalie, donated his collection of glass sculptures, worth some $ 10 million, the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, New York

Also his son, Mr. Heineman will survive a daughter, Martha Heineman Pieper, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. His wife died in 2010, after nearly 75 years of marriage.

As head of a railroad, Mr. Heineman was to keep their customers in mind. He told Life magazine in 1964, "I do not think people want glamor - they want to train to work and working time The same applies in all areas of transport If I were in the field of aviation, I take .. Champagne and imaginative dishes, but they break their necks to provide aircraft that came and went just in time ".
01:58 | 0 comments

Dr. James West Dies at 98

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 9 August 2012 | 06:58

James W. West, a surgeon struggle with alcohol led him to develop treatments for addiction and, ultimately, to become medical director of the Betty Ford Center, died July 24 at home in Palm Desert, California was 98.

His death was confirmed by his son Bill.

Dr. West has begun to focus on addiction. In 1950 he attended Dr. Richard H. Lawler and Dr. Raymond P. Murphy in the execution of the first kidney transplant.

The recipient of the organ, a woman named Ruth Tucker 40 years, suffered from polycystic kidney disease. His body rejected the new organ, after several weeks not rejection drugs had been developed - but the transplant will be the moment of his other kidney to start working enough, Dr. West said later that in interviews. Mrs. Tucker lived five years.

Over time, the interests of Dr. West turned to the study and treatment of addiction driven by his own alcoholism.

"There had been a DUI, and he never showed up for surgery under the influence," said John Schwarzlose, president and CEO of the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, Calif. "I watched him and his colleagues say 'You're not an alcoholic. "He said,' My illness has not played like it did with others who may have problems with alcohol and other drugs, and not the slums. ' ".

Bill West, said his mother, Shirley, had told his father "had to ask for help, and has heard of this."

Dr. West, who had received his medical degree from Loyola University and has begun to study psychiatric disorders and addictions.

He said that at some point, the research showed that nearly one in nine doctors suffered some kind of addiction, and began teaching at the university faculties of psychiatry.

In 1975, he and Msgr. Ignatius McDermott, who worked with the homeless in Chicago, founded Haymarket Center, a treatment plant for non-profit alcoholism and drug addiction.

The West retired to Palm Desert in 1982, but retirement did not last long. This year, Dr. West began as a volunteer in a clinic for outpatients for alcohol abuse in the Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage.

Meanwhile, Betty Ford, Former Prime lady who openly fought addiction to alcohol and prescription drugs, and Leonard Firestone, former ambassador to Belgium and the son of the founder of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, opened the Betty Ford Center. Dr. West joined the staff of the same year.

Mr. Schwarzlose Dr. West described as "medical addiction before the term even existed." He recalled the opening of Dr. West with other doctors about their treatment programs.

"It was not really used the drug, other people were using," said Schwarzlose. "He is the attitude and the look says. '... Is how they treat alcoholics and drug addicts always feel like nobody wants to try make us feel as if you had come to the right place" He said: 'My doctors and nurses to treat people with love. "I know it sounds corny, but the truth."

Dr. West moved to a part-time role in 1989 and retired in 2007.

Ward, James West, was born March 29, 1914, in Chicago. His first wife, the former crew of Shirley, died in 1997. In addition to his son Bill, He is survived by his wife, Maureen Clark, who married in 1998, another son, Raymond, four daughters, Vicky Dingli, Judith West, Pamela Byrne and Penny West, two stepchildren, Marquis Cheryl Clark and sand, a sister, Catherine Ann McClelland, five grandchildren, stepchildren, grandchildren, great grandchildren 04:05.

Dr. West was not a good student in his early years. His parents, when he said he had to repeat his first year in high school, sent to Campion High School, a Jesuit school in Prairie du Chien, Wis.

He attended school in a shelter where he challenges students to plan their careers, and decided to become a doctor.

"Thereafter, it was easy for me to be a doctor," he said in 2003, recalling his experience in retirement. "I was in my mind. Everything else was just an obstacle between you and the DM"
06:58 | 0 comments

Former Times foreign correspondent Nick Williams Jr. dies at 75

Although Nick B. Williams Jr. would forge a successful career as an editor and foreign correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, had first to overcome the "junior" at the end of his name.

I 'joined the newspaper in late 1960, when his father, Nick B. Mr. Williams was editor of the Times, and prestige in this one.

"When Nick Junior has been added to the template, a number of people most cynical - he said. He is the son of the editor What the heck will" It is hoped that if 20 minutes, they discovered it was a great editor and an extraordinary journalist, "George Cotliar, a former executive editor of The Times said Wednesday.

Williams, who was a foreign correspondent for the Times on Southeast Asia and the Middle East in 1980 and 1990, died Wednesday in a house in Gainesville, Texas, from complications of care fromAlzheimer disease, said his daughter Nan. He was 75.

After starting the Metro copy desk at The Times, Williams became an editor of national and foreign banks in 1970 and 1980.

"It was a wonderful editor and popular," said Robert Gibson, editor of Foreign times when Williams Department. "It was very important in their relations with foreign correspondents, who felt they had a sympathetic ear and get your copy of" respect "."

After years in charge of Foreign Affairs, Williams "wanted his chance in the field," said Alvin Shuster, the former Director of Foreign Affairs that the time has been given. "It was a first-class desktop publisher, and I knew it would be a first class correspondent. Some said it was a game of chance, including Nick, but clearly was not."

Between 1985 and 1992, Williams reported the Asian region, while in Bangkok and in the Middle East, Nicosia, Cyprus. When going from an estimated 60% of their time on the road.

"Whether covering the Gulf war or a revolt in the Philippines, the unit was excellent," said Schuster. "He knew exactly what to do, and foreign correspondents did very well."

In an essay of 1992, his experiences in the field, Williams said that "framework" to make scenes that have been engraved in his memory.

Among those who have "the Shia Muslim women in black xador" out of an Iraqi prison, "laments heard screaming and waiting for me that their husbands and children were living inside the high walls that was better than expected.

That His men were imprisoned and not among the thousands of Shiite rebels shot down by military helicopters to Saddam Hussein's helicopter as it has re-established its control over the country. "

That same year, Williams was asked to return to Los Angeles. He was 55 years old and his family said it was "too old to dodge the bullets again." He said his years abroad were the best of his life.

He joined the office of international affairs section to change the World Report on the week and was assistant director of the editorial pages before retiring in 2002 after being diagnosed with withAlzheimer.

Nick Van Boddie Williams Jr. was born on 12 February 1937, in Santa Monica and grew up in Pasadena.

From what is now Claremont McKenna College, he earned a degree in business and married artist Gerri the Bauhaus in 1960. He worked in the newspaper San Diego Union-Sun and Timesbefore theChicago moving to Los Angeles in late 1966 to join the time.

The correspondent also excel in buying, Shuster said: If you are asked "for a plate of blue and white shopping for your next visit to Vietnam, he had a letter full of the history of the cup and costs $ 20 . "

Father Williams, who was editor of The Times 1958-1971, died at 85 in 1992.

Williams survived by his wife, Gerri, of Lake Kiowa, Texas, daughters Maggie Sykes of Lake Kiowa, and Nan Williams, Flat Top, Tennessee, two grandchildren and his sister Sue Williams of Trinidad, California, Ricky Davis and Arcata.
06:55 | 0 comments

Civic leader John J. Merrick dies at 93

When the Beverly Hills attorney, John J. Merrick was elected judge of the judicial district of Malibu in 1964, was considered only a part-time work: the population of the area stretching from sea to Calabasas does not guarantee full-time municipal judge.

While maintaining his law practice, Merrick cases heard Monday in a small court in Calabasas, which has doubled in a ballroom at night.

He spent the next four days a week, the benchmark in 1930-was the court of Malibu, Pacific Coast Highway.

But it could also be allocated to meet the municipal actions in places as far away as Glendale, Indio, Lancaster and Ventura.

"I was known as' Have Robe, Will Travel," she recalled in a 1986 times.

At present the population of the district court exceeded the necessary 40,000 in 1973 and became Merrick's first municipal court judge of the new Constitution in Malibu, has been handling more than 20,000 cases a year. He stayed on the bench in Malibu until his retirement in 1986.

Merrick, a resident of Malibu since 1940 and a local historian and civic leader, died of pneumonia July 31 at his home in Point Dumas, said his son Brian. He was 93 years.

When Merrick retired after nearly 22 years as a judge in Malibu, Richard Brand, a court commissioner who had worked with him for 12 years, told the Times: "We're losing an institution."

"Many people say that I am a very fair judge," Merrick said the Times in 1986. "I look to see both sides to exercise some compassion and punish those who need it."

Merrick on the bench during the time he signed the order to breach to enter the Spahn Ranch, home of the famous Manson family.

And with 50 MPs warn his court, Merrick presided over the preliminary hearing of Manson family member Susan Atkins, who was accused of the murder of musician Gary Hinman Topanga Canyon.

Merrick had sometimes the heat of some of his decisions in court.

When Topanga Canyon nudist club called Elysée opened in 1960 and a number of people have been arrested on charges of nudity in the context of an ordinance of the county 30 years of age, Merrick said that the ordinance was unconstitutional.

The decision that was upheld by the Court of Appeals of the State, has received wide publicity.

"Despite the fact that I am a deeply religious person who attends Mass every day," said Merrick The Times in 1986: "I was described as a pervert and has received a lot of hate."

As the judge in a show of world-famous enclaves, Merrick has chaired a number of celebrity weddings, including the high profile 1985 marriage of pop singer Madonna and actor Sean Penn on a promontory, Point Dumas.

"There were eight helicopters flying over the shooting on the roof with kids hanging doors, was like 'Apocalypse Now'" recalled Merrick 1986 Times interview. "The three of us knew more or less what we were doing. But all the others not to hear the noise."

As Judge Merrick was known for his sense of humor. "There are many occasions where people are very tense in front of you, and you can break the tension with some humor," he told The Times in 1969.

Those who passed through his classroom always, unintentionally humorous moments.

"I was a busboy for being drunk," said Merrick. "I explained the reasons for the different and then I asked him how he said he replied.. Very guilty, his lordship" "

On another occasion, Merrick asked if the defendant was employed.

"Yes, sir," replied the accused, "I am self employed."
06:52 | 0 comments

Marvin Hamlisch dies at 68

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 | 21:57

The film and the Broadway community has lost one of its most successful composer Marvin Hamlisch as strongly on Tuesday has died at 68 after a short unspecified illness.

Perhaps best known for his work in the beloved movie musical A Chorus Line and The Way We Were he and Sting, Hamlisch has also written scores for famous films such as the common people, and Sophie's decision to take the money and run and contribute to the James Bond hit the spy who loved me, co-authored Nobody Does It Better by Carole Bayer Sager.

For his efforts, Hamlisch has won entry into the elite club of artists who have received Tony, Emmy, Grammy and Academy Awards. He has won four Emmy Awards and three Academy Awards, the third for his adaptation of Scott Joplin ragtime music is at the time.

His credits on Broadway, most of the Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning A Chorus Line, They're playing our song including, The Goodbye Girl and the sweet taste of success. The final show, although not a critical hit, it was cool to the musical star Kelli O'Hara in her first Broadway role.

Hamlisch was also a prolific arranger and conductor, symphony orchestras across the country. The youngest student accepted to the prestigious Juilliard School in New York, began studies there at the age of 7 years he started his career on Broadway as a pianist and vocal arranger assistant test for Funny Girl , starring Barbra Streisand, as would later write in The Way We Were.

His work on Broadway includes arrangements and orchestrations for Liza Liza Minnelli's triumphant return to the palace in 2008 and previous commitments Minnelli on Minnelli (1999) and Liza (1974). He also provided music for the 1984 Shirley MacLaine on Broadway special.

Hamlisch's adaptation of the new movie musical The crazy professor has made its world premiere in July at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. The composer had been scheduled to fly to Nashville this week to see the Broadway production of wheels.

He was working on another musical, well, Gotta Dance, and wrote the soundtrack behind theCandleabra the forthcoming HBO film Liberace. And Hamlisch was to target New York Philharmonic concert on the eve of his next New Year.

While sweeping Hamlisch, shamelessly sentimental style does not always earn rave reviews, seemed satisfied with the popular appeal that much of his music remained for decades.

"I do not think there is nothing wrong in doing very wonderful, wonderful business, entertainment," he said in an interview Broadwayworld.com 2010. "There is nothing wrong with the" business "of the word."
21:57 | 0 comments

'Cold fusion' co-discoverer Martin Fleischmann dies at 85

British chemist Martin Fleischmann, who surprised the world by announcing that it has obtained nuclear fusion in a glass bottle, has died after a long illness.

His son Nicholas said he died Friday at home in England.

Electrochemistry Fleischmann was one of the leaders in the world when he and his partner Stanley Pons announced in 1989 that had led to the merger, the nuclear process that heats the sun, in an experiment at the University of Utah.

The reaction occurred at room temperature was reported, and seemed to emit little radiation, a huge contrast to the still ongoing search for fusion with conventional means, in billions of dollars of reactors at temperatures of millions of degrees.

The announcement sparked hopes of a shortcut to fusion as a source of clean, renewable energy and economic development.

However, when other scientists were quick to replicate success, no more junk science, and the "cold fusion" was quickly labeled. Physicists Fleischmann accused of incompetence and fraud.

Pons and he continued to work - and defend - their results, but were discouraged by the way their work is ignored by scientists after the disaster of 1989.

"This was a terrible experience," said Fleischmann Telepolis German news site in 2005.

Search the "cold fusion" continues on the shores of the scientific world.

Fleischmann was born in Czechoslovakia. When the Nazis occupied the country in 1938, the family fled to England. To obtain a legal status for the move, Fleischmann was adopted by a British title.

He studied chemistry at Imperial College London and became known for a good knowledge of mathematics and fantasy unusual for a chemist.

He took over the Department of Chemistry, University of Southampton in 1967 and gave him international fame. He was a member of the Royal Society of Great Britain, the Academy of Sciences.

After leaving college, he spent much time working on experiments with his friend Pons, an American.

Fleischmann was a "genius of exploration," said Michael role played a friend of Fleischmann and research professor of physics at the Naval Postgraduate School in California.
21:53 | 0 comments

Eagles Coach’s Son Dies at 29 in Training Camp

Written By Unknown on Monday, 6 August 2012 | 01:38

Garrett Reid, son of Philadelphia Eagles, Andy Reid, coach, was found dead Sunday morning in his bedroom to his training team in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, after a troubled life that included the combating drug use and prison season.

The younger Reid, 29, was unable to resume after police responded to a 911 call on Sunday, and the county coroner, said an investigation was underway. Lehigh University police said they were not involved suspicious activity. No cause of death was given.

According to the team, Andy Reid, has requested that the training camps continue. He did not attend daily team rounds of inspection, which began with a prayer by the players, or practice in the afternoon, but the team owner, Jeffrey Lurie, said Sunday he expects Reid returned to the team this week and be on the bench when the team opened preseason game against the Pittsburgh Steelers in the evening.

Garrett Reid had worked with the reports, strength coach of the team during training camp.

"It's a difficult morning for us all in the Eagles family," said general manager Howie Roseman, announcing the death of Garrett Reid after practice in advance. "Garrett grew up with this team, what makes this story even more difficult for us to process."

Later he added: "Personally, we have been with Andy for a long time S has always been strong for us, we will be strong for him now as a father and a friend, we are all sick.". .

Last week, Andy Reid, was unusually relaxed after a morning tour of the field, joking with reporters during a visit fun and a veteran who had befriended during the long recovery from human lesions. Introduction of his 14 seasons with the Eagles, Reid spoke not think the pressure of his work.

Personal travails are, however, was very heavy on Reid and intertwined with their work for at least five years. In 2007, he took a license for five weeks of absence from the Eagles - unusual in a world where coaches are proud to announce that sleep in their offices - and accompanied Garrett to a drug rehabilitation center After Garrett has admitted doing heroin before causing a crash that sent a woman to a hospital.

The day of the accident Garrett, his younger brother Britt pointed a gun at another driver during an incident of road rage on, and they found drugs in his car. Both Reid then spent time in prison, the sentence, the judge has described her family home as "more or less like a drug emporium."

Although Garrett was in prison, was caught smuggling of prescription pills in his cell. According to documents prepared before his conviction by the trial service, Garrett said alcohol and drug abuse began after graduating from high school in 2001. Garrett said in court documents that he began selling drugs in 2002.

"I do not want to be this man who was the son of head coach of the Eagles, who was in poor condition and drugs and overdose and just fell into oblivion," said Garrett of their sentence .

When Andy Reid returned to his absence, told reporters that he believed at least briefly, giving your job because of the difficulty of their children.

"If you say that after a defeat or a victory to make a lot of thought, I'm sure you can add to this," said Reid in 2007. "Yes, go back and reflect on many things."

When the Eagles signed Michael Vick in 2009 after serving a sentence in federal prison for his role in a dogfighting operation, said Reid moved to consider Vick, in part because of a second opportunity offered to their children. Reid and his wife, Tammy, have three children.

Lurie spoke with Reid and Reid said Sunday that he was losing badly and probably missed practice Monday, too.

"Today is one of the toughest days of life," said Lurie. "Andy is a rock-solid man. I think what makes a great coach is his combination of compassion, the emotion and strength. And today, all exhibits.

"It s all have been unthinkable - .. Most of us have suffered the tragedy of our lives Losing a child is unimaginable loss of a child is unimaginable - the pain .."
01:38 | 0 comments

Columbus Crew says midfielder Kirk Urso has died at 22

COLUMBUS- Columbus Crew midfielder Kirk Urso died during the night, and no cause of death was determined, a county coroner said.

Columbus police were called to a bar around 12:50 on Sunday, and Urso, 22, was transferred from there to Grant Medical Center, sending Columbus reported.

He was pronounced dead at 01:51, Franklin County coroner, said Jan Górniak. An autopsy is scheduled for Monday.
Marc's team spokesman said that details of Rose's death Urso still being defined.

The crew has issued the following statement Sunday morning: "Although the circumstances of his death Urso are yet to be determined, there will be no further comments at this time our thoughts and prayers of all the Columbus Crew and Hunt Sports Group are the Urso family. this time of need. "

MLS held a minute's silence to Urso, today the two league games.

A program of the League of the Book of the crew and the DC United on Sunday morning has been canceled.
Urso was injured - he had surgery for a hernia-type sports for tendonitis of the adductors June 18 - and

Rosa says she was not with the team for Saturday's 1-0 defeat to DC United in Washington. Urso, 11.5, 175, had been with the rehabilitation specialists in Columbus.

In a profile last month a team of novice crew, Urso said he was frustrated with injuries.

"To go from being collected at the project, and help you start, and then be completely and wounded -. It's really frustrating injuries are just part of (football)," he said.

Born in Lombard, Illinois, Urso had played in the team's North Carolina win the NCAA title last fall, like Ben SPEA Crew forward, and the U.S. U-17 World Cup in 2007.

With the NCAA title, Urso has helped to erase years of frustration for him and other senior UNC.

"My college career has been impressive, but there was something more to this team," said Urso. "On top of
that is something I'll remember the rest of my life."

Urso was the choice in the MLS Draft Supplementary January 10 and started the first five games this season with the midfielder Danny O'Rourke injured.

According to the Facebook page Urso, who was a fan of the Chicago Bulls, Jerry Seinfeld and the FIFA game.

Urso will survive his parents, Michael and Sandra, and his brother.

Among those who responded on Twitter:

• Mia Hamm @ MiaHamm:. "All our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Kirk Urso, friends and teammates heels."

• Philadelphia Union midfielder Freddy Adu @ FreddyAdu. "I just heard the news of the Columbus Crew midfielder Kirk Urso died sad news RIP"

• Staff of teammate Chris @ Biorchall chrisbirchall7. "Sensation of numbness of the death of a great teammate, Kirk Urso 22 last night and a good guy, always smiling every day!"

• Staff of his colleague Eric Gehrig @ eGehrig16 "Locker ... and my neighbor Brotha Chi-Town, Kirk Urso RIP You were a great kid with a bright future is difficult to know and love the man crew96 #".

• Former basketball star Kendall Marshall of North Carolina, the election of the first round of the Phoenix Suns @ KButter5: "The prayers are with the family of Kirk Urso UNC RIP here for you" ..
01:36 | 0 comments


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